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MicroBioGen’s yeast platform provides the foundation for the highly sought-after Novozymes Innova® Suite of products.

MicroBioGen has successfully optimised a biocatalyst for the production of 2nd generation bioethanol, in collaboration with Novonesis.


Commonwealth Government funding

MicroBioGen offers a unique platform for industrial success

MicroBioGen develops world-leading, superior yeast biocatalysts for a range of industrial applications. The yeast biocatalysts we specialise in underpin products worth around US$2 trillion per year.

Our unique platform technology can also be applied to human food, animal feed, enzymes, protein vectors, probiotics, biochemicals and even space exploration. Together with our valued partners, customers and shareholders, we are excited to be building a more sustainable future through our unique, proprietary, long term and high-tech development programs.

Used for the Innova® series, our highly advanced Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast products are quickly becoming the new industry standards for the production of a range of 1st generation biofuels.

We have also finalised developing a yeast product in collaboration with Novonesis (previously known as Novozymes) for the efficient production of 2nd generation biofuels, with ARENA (The Australian Renewable Energy Agency) supporting us in our $8M optimisation programme.

“MicroBioGen’s work opens up new possibilities for biofuels as a sustainable energy source and, potentially, significant new export markets for Australia.”

– Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) CEO Darren Miller