Innovative yeast technology solutions
Evolutionary technology. Revolutionary impact.

Two new Innova® yeast products released

Two new Innova® yeast products released: Apex and Turbo.

Novozymes introduces Innova® Apex and Innova® Turbo to the Innova platform. Innova Apex and Turbo are tailored to work in specific fermentation times, enabling ethanol producers to maximize their fermentation process to achieve their desired production targets and business goals.

The Innova brand of yeasts can reduce chemical costs by lowering demand for expensive urea by up 90% and eliminating the need for other fermentation aids like nutritional supplements. Innova Apex delivers up to 2% more ethanol and exceptional robustness to stressors while Innova Turbo’s novel metabolism and stress management in high throughput plants increases ethanol yield by 1.5-2%. Apex and Turbo join Innova® Quantum — together these 3 advanced yeasts provide the industry with the highest level of performance and application to production demands and needs.

Built with Innova yeast strain technology, Innova Apex and Innova Turbo tolerate the toughest  fermentation stressors, enabling plants to avoid slowdowns and de-risk production. These new yeast strains are built specifically for today’s industrial fermentation conditions helping ethanol producers make the most of their fermentations, consistently liberating the highest levels of ethanol production.

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