
Geoff Bell
CEO (Co-founder)
- Facilitated MicroBioGen’s transformation from pure research group into international commercial success
- Prior experience includes over 15 years at two global investment banks in equity research and top-rated research analyst

Jenny Hart
- Manages all aspects of finance, HR and contracts at MicroBioGen
- Responsible for external stakeholder management
- Prior experience includes 23 years of commercial management at AGL Energy

Dr Philip Bell
Head of Research (Co-Founder)
- Leads the R&D team of 20 scientists on activities day-to-day, one of the principal scientists since MicroBioGen’s founding in 2001
- Focused on driving innovation in the company through the highly trained research team

Dr Paul Attfield
Principal Scientist (Co-founder)
- One of MicroBioGen’s original principal scientists, focused on commercialisation activities
- With world-leading expertise in fermentation and biochemistry
Dr Ivan Rajkovic
Head of IP
- Ex-Partner at Shelston IP
- Significant IP expertise to ensure the break-throughs achieved are protected through an expanding patent portfolio
Andrew Fay
Corporate Development
- Andy has been a key driver in the corporate development team for nearly a decade
- High-level board experience across start-ups to large listed corporations has helped MicroBioGen negotiate several high-quality agreements
David Paton
Business Development
- Over 18 years of corporate advisory experience at Citibank, Macquarie Capital, Morgan Stanley and Shaw and Partners
- Extensive experience across M&A, ECM, DCM and business development / strategy execution